GO Skateboard!

App Features

Trick Generator

Hundreds of thousands of tricks available in our database with detailed filtering and sorting options. Randomly generate tricks, find new ones and build trick lists.

Trick Lists

Build trick lists to help keep track of what you landed and other personalized lists. Mark tricks that you're working, add favorites, or remove tricks from being suggested.

Player Profile, Stats, Awards

Build your profile, earn points and rewards, and track progress.


Compare your progression with other skaters in the community.

Trick Verification

Upload your trick videos and have them verified to receive the FIRE stamp of approval.

Only video-verified tricks contribute to leaderboard rankings and qualify for trick bounties and exclusive prizes.

Discover the requirements for trick verification videos

Trick Bounties

Submit a video of you landing one of the Bounty Tricks and win cool prizes. (coming soon)

AI-based Trick Identification

Our video library will be used as a data source for a machine learning application (AI) to identify skateboarding tricks.

Play Virtual S.K.A.T.E.

Coming soon...Play the computer in a virtual game of skate by setting your skill level and custom rules.

You will also be able to play virtual SKATE with the homies from far away.